Our Ministry

Kuki Baptist Convention Meitei Fields

Kuki Baptist Convention is one of the Church organaization of the Kuki Community in Manipur who trust the Lord Jesus Christ as a Savior of the world. Manipur is a land were four (4) community live together. i.e., Meitei, Pangal, Kuki and Naga. Meiteis are living in the plain of Manipur, 99 % of them are Meitei Bhamon, Sanamahi, Hinduism. Only 1% is Christianity. 70% of the total population in the state used Meitei language as common language.


As the Bible says in Matthew 28:19. Go preach and make Disciples of all the nations, the Kuki Baptist Convention also feel that its their duty to proclaim the Good News to their Plain Brothers Meitei (Manipuri). Therefore, they begin their Mission project in 1982. By the grace of God the mission work is in progress.


Some of the reports are given here:


1. Meitei Field is Established in 1982.


2. We Begin Mission Fields in the following place:

  i). Yumnam Khunou  ii). Phaknung. iii). Leikinthabi. iv). Lamlai. v). Sugnu. vi). Moreh. vii). Keibi. viii). Bijoypur.  ix). Soibam Leikai. x). Keikol. xi). Loitang Leikinthabi. xii). Loitang Khulen. xiii). Pheidinga. xiv). Pukhao Khabam. xv). Pukhao Naharup. xvi). Samurou. xvii). Namphalong, Myanmar


3. We leaved Keibi Field in 2007.   

  Other fields we stop Ministry:

i). Taret Khul; ii). Pukhao; iii). Kharasam; iv).Pangaltabi; v). Sugnu; vi). Serou


4. Established Church:

i). Leikinthabi, ii). Keibi, iii). Moreh, iv). Soibam Leikai, v). Sugnu, vi). Keikol.


5. Established Fellowship:

i). Pukhao Naharup, ii). Samurou, iii). Loitang Khulen, iv). Pheidinga


6. Ngasi phaoba baptized loukhraba mising 410


7. Training we Organize:

i). IBL, ii). BEE, iii). Discipleship, iv). Profitable Bible Education


8. Ministries we did:

i) Jesus Film Ministry; ii). Tracts Distribution; iii). Zachaiah Mininistry; iv). House Visit; v). Open Air preaching; vi). Camps  and Revival Programs; vii). Good News for Manipur Evangelistic Bicycle Team Ministry.


9. Conference: Time to time we conduct Conference.

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